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Integration | Messaging | Data Reporting

Technology Stack

Transform your hospitality venue by finding the perfect balance between technology and human interaction, to create exceptional customer experiences that increase revenue, improve repeat visitation and build brand loyalty.


The AAC Solutions Technology Stack for Hospitality is a communications engine that enhances customer experiences, improves staff communication and increases operational efficiencies. It's been designed to be fluid, dynamic and scalable to evolve with the shifting industry demands and growing business needs. It's centred squarely around our signature solution PulseLive.

PulseLive Staff Messaging, Workflows & Reporting

The PulseLive Integration, Messaging & Reporting Platform for Hospitality automates messaging out to wireless devices when events are triggered creating staff workflows. Detailed real-time data analytics are configured into automated reporting for management to assess busy periods, average response times and more.  

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Digital Rating System

Technology has made the process for measuring customer satisfaction simple and can be integrated into existing processes. Use valuable insights and turn them into actions to improve customer service and ensure customers receive the service they expect.

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Push for Service Messaging

Improve the customer experience in your venue with a customised tablet with a dual purpose, performing as a service request button, triggering automated workflows and a digital display for advertising opportunities.

Facial Recognition

Intelligent video analytics and facial recognition software provides a simple, accurate solution for complying with Responsible Gaming Regulation and helping to manage customers in licensed venues.


Workflow Terminal

Initiate a workflow for staff to respond to quickly and efficiently with the press of a button to save time and reduce risk.

Is there a technology solution you're after that's not listed? We might be developing something behind the scenes so reach out to us to find out if we can help!

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